非常强大的对齐格式化插件; 对于编辑 Markdowntable 来说简直就是量身定制神器
支持的分隔符: <Space> = : . | & # ,


vundle 方式安装: vim ~/.vimrc

" 找到 call vundle#begin() 和 call vundle#end() 之间插入 
plugin 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'

" 然后直接在 vim 里用命令方式安装
:source %

" 文件末尾增加配置
" start interactive easyalign in visual mode (e.g. vipga)
xmap ga <plug>(easyalign)

" start interactive easyalign for a motion/text object (e.g. gaip)
nmap ga <plug>(easyalign)


示例: 这里的 {separator} 分隔符为 =

apple   =red
sky-=   blue

对齐效果: vipga=gaip=

apple  = red
grass += green
sky   -= blue

键入: vipga=

vip visual-select inner paragraph 可视化模式选中一段文本
ga Start EasyAlign command (ga) 激活对齐插件
= Align around = = 号对齐

键入: gaip=

ga Start EasyAlign command (ga) 激活对齐插件
ip for inner par:graph 行内段落
= Align around = = 号对齐


先来感受一下强大的气息: Table对齐


| Option| Type | Default | Description |
| threads | Fixnum | 1 | number of threads in the thread pool |
|queues |Fixnum | 1 | number of concurrent queues |
|queue_size | Fixnum | 1000 | size of each queue |
|   interval | Numeric | 0 | dispatcher interval for batch processing |
|batch | Boolean | false | enables batch processing mode |
 |batch_size | Fixnum | nil | number of maximum items to be assigned at once |
 |logger | Logger | nil | logger instance for debug logs |

左对齐: vipga*|

| Option     | Type    | Default | Description                                    |
| --         | --      | --      | --                                             |
| threads    | Fixnum  | 1       | number of threads in the thread pool           |
| queues     | Fixnum  | 1       | number of concurrent queues                    |
| queue_size | Fixnum  | 1000    | size of each queue                             |
| interval   | Numeric | 0       | dispatcher interval for batch processing       |
| batch      | Boolean | false   | enables batch processing mode                  |
| batch_size | Fixnum  | nil     | number of maximum items to be assigned at once |
| logger     | Logger  | nil     | logger instance for debug logs                 |

右对齐: vipga<Enter>*|

|     Option |    Type | Default |                                    Description |
|         -- |      -- |      -- |                                             -- |
|    threads |  Fixnum |       1 |           number of threads in the thread pool |
|     queues |  Fixnum |       1 |                    number of concurrent queues |
| queue_size |  Fixnum |    1000 |                             size of each queue |
|   interval | Numeric |       0 |       dispatcher interval for batch processing |
|      batch | Boolean |   false |                  enables batch processing mode |
| batch_size |  Fixnum |     nil | number of maximum items to be assigned at once |
|     logger |  Logger |     nil |                 logger instance for debug logs |

居中对齐: vipga<Enter><Enter>*|

|   Option   |  Type   | Default |                  Description                   |
|     --     |   --    |   --    |                       --                       |
|  threads   | Fixnum  |    1    |      number of threads in the thread pool      |
|   queues   | Fixnum  |    1    |          number of concurrent queues           |
| queue_size | Fixnum  |  1000   |               size of each queue               |
|  interval  | Numeric |    0    |    dispatcher interval for batch processing    |
|   batch    | Boolean |  false  |         enables batch processing mode          |
| batch_size | Fixnum  |   nil   | number of maximum items to be assigned at once |
|   logger   | Logger  |   nil   |         logger instance for debug logs         |




Keystrokes Description 等价的命令 描述
<Space> Around 1st whitespaces :'<,'>EasyAlign\ 第一个空格分隔
2<Space> Around 2nd whitespaces :'<,'>EasyAlign2\ 第二个空格分隔
-<Space> Around the last whitespaces :'<,'>EasyAlign-\ 最后一个空格分隔
-2<Space> Around the 2nd to last whitespaces :'<,'>EasyAlign-2\ 倒数第二个空格分隔
: Around 1st colon (key: value) :'<,'>EasyAlign: 第一个 : 分隔
<Right>: Around 1st colon (key : value) :'<,'>EasyAlign:>l1 同上, 分隔符会对齐
= Around 1st operators with = :'<,'>EasyAlign= 第一个 = 分隔
3= Around 3rd operators with = :'<,'>EasyAlign3= 第三个 = 分隔
*= Around all operators with = :'<,'>EasyAlign*= 所有的 = 分隔
**= Left-right alternating around = :'<,'>EasyAlign**= = 先左->右对齐,然后交错对齐
<Enter>= Right alignment around 1st = :'<,'>EasyAlign!= 第一个 = 前的右对齐, 其他不变
<Enter>**= Right-left alternating around = :'<,'>EasyAlign!**= = 先右->左对齐,然后交错对齐

话说后面3个尝试了多遍, 前面有点懵圈… 后来搞懂了… (可以用上面的表格示例动手操作)


  • {separator} - 分隔符 常用的有: <Space> = : . | & # ,
  • n{separator} - 应用到第 n 个分隔符, 负数表示倒着数
  • <Enter> - 回车控制对齐方向, 默认为左对齐; 1个回车右对齐; 2个回车居中对齐; 3个回车回到左对齐; 依次类推…
  • *{separator} - 一个星号 + 分隔符表示 应用到所有的分隔符
  • **{separator} - 2个星号表示交替对齐: 第一列右对齐, 第二列左对齐, 第三列右对齐, 以此类推…
  • <Enter>**{separator} - 回车 + 2个星号 也是交替对齐: 第一列左对齐, 第二列右对齐, 第三列左对齐, 以此类推…
  • Markdown 表格的分隔符为竖线: |


表格对齐目前是我需求量最大的, 所以录制了一个宏, 以后就非常方便了:

录制宏写法: q[name]{actions}q 调用宏: @[name]

表格格式化对齐宏-录制: qtvipga*|q

表格格式化对齐宏-使用: @t

另外 分隔符 是支持正则的, 激活插件后也有好些快捷键支持, 更多的还是看后面的文档吧, 里面有很多图文示例 :)

如果觉得好用, 可以去GitHub上给作者点赞


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18 October 2018
